Spore Downloads.


Some cells were created with the secret cell editor with 5 pages of parts to access this editor add a new shortcut and put similar to this in the target line:
"C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\SPORE\Sporebin\SporeApp.exe" -state:CellEditor


Both advanced and early. some created with the assymetrical hack.
The Grox is made from the ingame version but has "illegal parts" including eyes removed or replaced. This makes the Grox playable. You can play them in the Tribal, Civilisation and Space stages and if you use the "evoadvantage" cheat you can use them in the Creature stage. A list of cheats is at the bottom of this page.



Place spaceships in the folder "My Spore Creations\UFOs", Place land/sea vehicles in "My Spore Creations\Vehicles"

Save Location

To save the Spore Creations to your computer, just click the pictures then place them in
Windows XP:
* "My Spore Creations" is located in your "My Documents" folder.

All other Windows versions, and Mac OS:
* "My Spore Creations" is located in your “Documents” folder.

All spore creations are in PNG format.

Then put the creations in the appropriate folder, for example, I would put Cellbivore in the "My Spore Creations\Cells" Folder

Spore keeps your creatures, movies, pictures, and animated avatars in a folder called "My Spore Creations". The location of this folder depends on your OS as stated above.

Spore also keeps a cache of the graphics assets for pollinated content you have downloaded. If you are short on disk space, try reducing the size of that cache in the graphics options.


All cheats are case sensitive, so adddna will not work but addDNA will.
addDNA Adds 150 DNA points (in cell & creature stage.)
refillMotives Replenish health and other motives
moreMoney Gives you more money in the Civilization and Space stages
unlockSuperWeapons Unlocks all superweapons
spaceCreate Unlocks and recharges all Space stage creation tools
freeCam Toggles Free Camera mode
SetTime (1-24),(0-59) Example: SetTime 13,49
Hours then minutes. Sets the time of day, this can also be used as a speed multiplier
capturePlanetGIF Saves image of your planet to your AnimatedAvatars directory
antiAliasGIF Saves image of your planet to your AnimatedAvatars directory, using anti alias.
freedom (on/off) Removes or re-enables editor complexity limits. Creations that break the limits will not be pollinated in game
toggleCaptureUI Toggles display of user interface in screen-shots
styleFilter -filmNoir Toggle monochrome background and creatures
-oilpaint Toggle oil painting background and creatures
-none Reset view to normal
blocksmode Makes all creatures etc. blocky
Killallhints Removes all hints
help List console commands. Combined with the command, for example help blocksmode, explains action and usage of a command. -full Extended help for commands.
quit Exit to Desktop
option List of options.
prop Display and change properties.
clear Clear console.
levels -unlock Unlock all stages. Jump to any stage with this cheat. Some achievements may not be gained if you choose to use this code.
history Lists last used commands.
evoadvantage Enter this when are starting a new Creature stage to choose any creature from the Sporepedia.
setConsequenceTrait trait_name Sets consequence trait trait name's below
setConsequenceTrait Trait Names:
cell_carnivore cell_herbivore
cell_omnivore creature_aggressive
creature_social creature_mixed
tribe_aggressive tribe_social
tribe_mixed civ_military
civ_economic civ_religious
space_bard space_ecologist
space_zealot space_diplomat
space_scientist space_trader
space_shaman space_warrior
space_wanderer space_knight

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